Tuesday, February 26, 2013


You got to stay the night at Grandpa Mike & Nana B's house again. You guys had A LOT of fun together!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013

Play Day

Yesterday we took you to the Children's Museum and the Carousel. You haven't been to either of these places yet so it was fun watching your reactions to everything. Grandma Pam came along too and we all had a blast playing with you!

At the Children's Museum...

Your favorite station, Water Works!

Not a big fan of dino digging and being barefoot in all this stuff!

The Carousel...

First Ride

Friday, February 8, 2013

Pizza Party

We had the Erickson clan over for pizza when Uncle Keith & Aunt Cari were in town. Minus Uncle Ryan though, he couldn't make it over. You had a ball playing with everyone!

Wrestling with Grandpa Dave

Reading your favorite book, Frosty the Snowman, with Uncle Keith


Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Train

A couple weekends ago Uncle Keith, Aunt Cari, and cousins Ridge & Sage were in town. So we got to do a lot of fun things while they were here including going to the train at the mall. You've never been to the train before and were a little timid at first but after you saw Ridge climbing all over the train and going down the slides you soon followed. Uncle Keith helped you a lot too! Once you got comfortable you had NO FEAR!! We had to keep a close eye on you especially when you were on the top of the train. You'd stand at the edge and then take a step almost like you were jumping off. Luckily we caught you every time. You and Ridge had a great time and I loved watching you two play together!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Month Sixteen


You are sixteen months old now! Just a few more months and you'll be a year and half old!! Wow, where has the time gone! You have become quite the little man and toddler! It's not so easy getting you to sit still as you can tell from this photo but you are so much fun to be around and keep us entertained all the time.

Early this month you had to go in for your fifteen month checkup. You're not as easy to deal with as you used to be. But I think it's because you're starting to realize there's a good chance you'll be getting shots and don't want the doctor to touch you no matter what it's for. When the doctor tried to check your ears I had to hold you down just so he could get a clear look and make sure everything was okay. You didn't even like him checking your breathing and heart beat and would push his hands away. But we got through it and you even survived your shots for measles, mumps, and chicken pox. You only cried for a second and then as soon as I picked you up you were fine. The doctor said everything looks great and you're right on track on the growth chart. You weigh 22lbs now!

At daycare, a spot hasn't opened up in the next room so you're still in the infant room. You're more than ready to move to the next room but until a spot opens up you can't move over. In the meantime, you just get to play over in the next room here and there when they know you're getting really bored. Which is becoming more and more often! And when you get bored you become a little more creative!! When daddy picked you up the other night, the ladies at daycare said they had to take your shoes away from you because you were using them as weapons. Apparently taking your shoes off and throwing them at people is frowned upon!! I laughed when daddy told me about it. We did get confirmation that they'd try to move you over as soon as they can and it will definitely be no later than March 1st. So only one more month!

You're getting really good at using utensils now. You're better at using a fork and can pick up most of your food with it. The spoon on the other hand is a little trickier. It takes you couple tries before you get the food in your mouth. Darn spoon! It's so easy for food to fall off it!! You're a little picky when it comes to what food you'll eat. You love fruits and vegetables though I think you like fruit the best. You say "nana" anytime you want a banana and that seems to be all the time. Even when we're in the produce section of the grocery store we won't even be close to the bananas and you'll start saying "nana, nana" so needless to say we always have bananas around! You don't really care for meat. We've tried everything we can think of from cutting it up into tiny pieces, mixing it in with other food, but you always figure out it's meat and spit it back out. I think it's just too tough right now and you only have one molar to really chew it up with.

This month we've had to change your schedule around just a little bit. I've switched to working four 10 hr days so we've started dropping you off at daycare at 6:45 am instead of 7:15 am. So we have to wake you up around 6:15/6:20 am. Since you're getting up earlier we've changed your bedtime to 7:15/7:30 pm to compensate for it.  I used to pick you up and drop you off at daycare but now I just drop you off and daddy picks you up. We had to get another car seat for daddy's truck so we didn't have to keep switching out the one car seat we had. Daddy's also getting used to new schedule. After he picks you up from daycare he cooks dinner and has it ready when I get home. Though sometimes you make it more difficult on him and sometimes want to help or be picked up so you can watch! You're used to eating at 5 pm so a lot of the time daddy will feed you before I get home because you're not a happy camper when you're hungry.

Happy sixteen month birthday sweet little boy!! You make me laugh every day and I look forward to coming home each night after work so I can see your smiling face. You are an amazing little boy!
